

The Minotaur was a mythical creature, portrayed as a being part man and part bull. According to the Myths, he was the result of a curse imposed on the King of Crete, Minos, for disrespecting the Gods. He was the unnatural offspring of the Minoan Queen Pasiphae and a snow-white bull. Embarrassed by Minotaur’s existence, King Minos instructed the craftsman Daedalus to build a gigantic labyrinth, to hide him and prevent him from causing harm. He was fed on young Athenians, who were sent as tribute to Crete as part of a peace treaty. Eventually, the Greek hero Theseus volunteered to slay the monster and free Athens from this obnoxious tribute. With the help of king Minos’s daughter, Ariadne, Theseus entered the Labyrinth and managed to kill the Minotaur. Bull’s eye!