Special Edition

THE SHEEP (1996 - 2003)

Dolly was a female Finn-Dorset sheep from Scotland. As the first cloned mammal ever to be created from an adult cell, her birth was of huge excitement both to the scientific world and to the public. Dolly’s cloning proved that a cloned organism could be produced from a mature cell (from a specific body part) and her birth was considered a scientific marvel. She was named after the legendary country singer and philanthropist, Dolly Parton. Dolly the sheep, lived happily for 6 and a half years and gave birth to six lambs. Since 2003, Dolly’s preserved body is exhibited at the National Museum of Scotland, within a rotating plexiglass cubicle. Until today, Dolly remains the most celebrated sheep of all time. In her memory, Choco Myths created this special “Dolly” edition with lots of love & affection.
